Getting Started with measure errors
Define error measures
Load PPF with measure errors
Manipulate measure errors
Plot signals with errors
Jetdsp for IDL Home Page
JETDSP - Error signals

Plot a signal with its error signals

Jetdsp automatically plots error signals on the Z dimension in case they are correctly loaded. In order to avoid confusion on the graph, the errors on X or T dimension are not plotted unless it is not explicit requested.

The options for plotting the error signals are available on the "Style editor" of the PPF signal.

Style panel

The error signals could be represented as lines or as bars. To specify the way Jetdsp represents the error signals on the Z dimension it is possible to set "Plot Data Error Bars" to:
  • No    - do not plot the error signals on the Z dimension
  • Auto - plot the error signals as lines if the number of points plotted is bigger than a threshold or as bars otherwise. At the moment the value of the threshold is fixed.
  • Line  - plot the error signals as dashed lines
  • Bar   - plot the error signals as vertical bars
The error signals on the X or T dimension could be represented only as bars.

The error signals will be plotted with the same color of the signal unless differently specified in the "Error Bars Colour".